Matt Fisher

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locale : 1901 Poplar Street, Poplar Studios Oakland CA 94607

painting and 3-D art –

I generally approach the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of my studio work analytically, and lean heavily on ideas from postconceptual practice.

I’m a pragmatist and opportunist when selecting forms, formats, materials, and processes.

For me, form intersects content in process, and I usually create images and objects that attempt to reflect critically on the entangled sets of decisions and densely overlapping systems that led to their making. Storywise, I use my work both as traces of and poetic statements about specific philosophical proposals that by now feel like permanent fixtures in my brain.

I’m addressing those proposals in my studio work with a mix of intuition and rigor. My sketching and preparatory process is sloppy and takes a long time; I dump out, take lots of notes about, and slowly organize potential contents and methodologies — e.g. items that fascinate me, potential modes of expression, transformational mappings that abstract data and alow them to relocate themselves, algorithms that generate working processes — over a long gestation in the studio. I then slowly combine and recombine modes of expression, forms of content, color schemes, and working practices into a more coherent set of relations. By the time they’re finished, my works are almost always presented in series, each modeling a specific interpretive point of view.