Rebuilding Town Park Sk8 Gallery

KDubLocated at DeFremery Park, the Town Park Sk8 Gallery is a skate park built, created, and administrated by local volunteer and community youth leader Keith “K-Dub” Williams with the help and support of the local skateboard community.  K-Dub worked with the City of Oakland in 2007 to create this skater built wooden structure skate park to allow youth to stay in their own communities instead of having to travel to neighboring cities skate parks.   K-Dub spends much of his time at the skate park working with local youth and hosting events like the Hood Games and other contests, events and demonstrations.  These events draw  the attention of large numbers of both skaters and spectators, even professionals like Karl Watson, Ron Allen, Corey Duffel, Walker Ryan, Theotis Beasley, and Lizard King.

Kid sk8

The Skate Park serves as a social hub for West Oakland youth, encouraging athleticism, discipline, and practice in the sport and art of skateboarding. Over time, the park has suffered from weather and heavy use.  K-Dub began to envision building a project and a program that brings together youth to participate in the process.

DougSk8Doug Kittredge of Anarchitectural and the Establish OakTown Hall Project recently rallied volunteers and materials to help rebuild the most damaged sections of the park because they believe that our youth deserve opportunities to practice and excel in all manner of things that excite them, and that teens in particular deserve more positive places to recreate.