Mens Amplio Educator Preview

BrainInspiring minds young and old, Mens Amplio is opening their doors to teachers interested in bringing their students to try out and learn from the brain or bringing the brain to their school. Mens Amplio is a 15 foot tall model of a human head and brain, designed by Don Cain and built by a team of artists from a wide range of disciplines. The brain incorporates an array of light and flame effects controlled by a participant through the use of an EEG headset. The goal of the previews is to provide educators an opportunity to interact with the sculpture and learn about it’s inner workings. It is their hope that once educators understand and interact with the sculpture, they can figure out how to use it in their school. They see this piece as an excellent teaching tool and are excited to work with educators to figure out how to best use it at their schools.

Registration is required. 

date : December 11th & 12th
time : 6 – 9pm
locale : 1960 Mandela Parkway, Oakland, CA 94607
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