This plan has long been in the works, taking many shapes over many long months. Now is the time for YOU to come and have some opinion, inspiration and voice in this epic project!
More than 10 years ago, the Bay Bridge design team identified a unique opportunity to create a signature park that joins the power and beauty of the new East Span of the Bay Bridge to the fascinating natural, industrial and transportation history of the East Bay and, as such, creates a bold new gateway to the City of Oakland. Representatives of nine local, regional, and state agencies embraced that idea and began to explore the possibilities of a new park.
The completion of the September 2012 Gateway Park Project Concept Report initiated a strategy for the park planning. A public scoping meeting in November 2013 is an important element of the environmental review process. The proposed park plan weaves the spectacular Bay setting with the waterfront experiences of the Bay Trail, embraces the Port’s and Oakland’s dynamic industrial setting, invites people of all ages and interests and, at the heart of the new park, puts the spotlight on the Bay Bridge and its history.
Next Steps
A public scoping meeting in November 2013 began the environmental review process for the project. Materials from the meeting are available here:
- Scoping Meeting Presentation Boards (PDF)
- Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (PDF)
- Meeting Flyer:
A second public meeting may be held in the spring of 2014. The environmental review process is scheduled for completion in 2015. The design phase is proposed to kick off in early 2015, with construction beginning in 2017.
eMail your comments, what you want to see included, what is important to you, along with any questions or concerns to with the words “Gateway Park Scoping Project” in the subject line
For questions regarding the project : Karin Betts at or 510.817.5725