Oakland EarthEXPO exhibitor inviation Wed April 8, downtown Oakland

Dear sustainable business, environmental and community leaders!

You’re invited to Oakland Oakland EarthEXPO Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10am-2pm at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland! EarthEXPO is a popular and festive lunchtime annual environmental fair hosted by the City of Oakland Public Works Department. The fair highlights transportation, environmental health, waste reduction, water, energy, urban design, nature and community themes.

There is room for approximately 100 exhibitors to gather and showcase their contributions to the sustainable urban environment to an estimated 2,000 attendees. Downtown Oakland is a noted hotbed of environmental, governmental, technological, and business leadership and innovation. EarthEXPO is a great chance to connect with this audience!

Would you like to exhibit at EarthEXPO? Click here to submit your application online (preferred) or download a hardcopy application here. Applications are due by March 4.

*2014 exhibitor registration information is posted here. 2014 exhibit descriptions and layout are posted under the past exhibitors section of www.oaklandearthexpo.com.

Please help spread the word to suitable organizations that could engage attendees on environmental issues of the day. This is a great outreach opportunity, and a great kickoff to Earth Day!

For more information visit www.oaklandearthexpo.com, write earthexpo@oaklandnet.com, or call 510-238-7611.
I hope to see you at Oakland EarthEXPO!
Mike Perlmutter
Environmental Stewardship Team Supervisor
Environmental Services Division
City of Oakland | Public Works Department | APWA Accredited Agency
250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 5301 | Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 238-7294
(510) 238-7286 Fax

Volunteer to clean and green Oakland! www.OaklandAdoptASpot.org

Report A Problem | Public Works Call Center | (510) 615-5566
www.oaklandpw.com | pwacallcenter@oaklandnet.com | Mobile app: SeeClickFix