1960 Mandela Pkwy
Oakland, CA 94607

Celebrating the Life of Antonio Ramos
Friday, October 2, 2015
Join the arts community and take part in celebrating the life of Antonio Ramos at arts events throughout Oakland. Support Antonio Ramos’ family and the Attitudinal Healing Connection’s Oakland Superheroes Mural Project.
Attend the Peaceful Community Gathering Honoring artist Antonio Ramos
American Steel Studios on Friday, October 2, 6:00-9:00pm (Ceremony at 7:00pm)
Located at 1960 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94607 (near the intersection of Mandela Pkwy and 20th Street)
Oakland Museum of California will invite visitors to Friday Nights @ OMCA to honor Antonio Ramos with a moment of silence during the main stage events.
On October 2, 2015 –
– Post a positive message in memory of Antonio Ramos with #AntonioRamos
– Consider making a contribution to support Antonio Ramos’ family and the mural project
– Sign up to help with the mural project and get involved in other activities that support our community
From the YouCaring site –
“Antonio was the victim of senseless violence Tuesday, September 29th. He was working on a mural project, Oakland Superheroes Mural, commissioned by Attitudinal Healing Connection when he was tragically shot by a passerby who is still at large.”
You can support the family with a donation here: https://www.youcaring.com/
From the Oakland Super Heros Mural Project page on Indiegogo –
“It is with heavy hearts that we must share the news about the killing of Antonio Ramos, one of the artists working on mural #3. He had been working with us since we were installing the first mural, and was a contagious spirit to be around. Antonio was a sweet soul, dear friend, and amazing artist.”
You can support the Oakland Superheroes Mural Project with a donation here:
From Amana Harris, Executive Director of the Attitudinal Healing Connection (AHC) and Creator of the Oakland Superheroes Mural Project – “The Superheroes Mural Project muralists have decided that the project must continue, in the name of Antonio and the message of the Project, to offset violence and blight and empower young people and artists. However, they must be protected. It is unacceptable that our artists must have to watch their back and feel unsafe while they bring youth images of hope and beauty to the neighborhood. The muralists have expressed that the more support they can see from the community in the form of presence, the safer they will feel. We are calling for a Volunteer Coordinator to galvanize all those who have offered to help in order to keep our muralists safe. We are looking for someone who has strong ties in the Oakland community and is available for 2 weeks from Monday, October 5th to Friday, October 16th, Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. Please reach out to us at (510) 652-5530 or communications@ahc-oakland.org if you are available and passionate for this work. We are also in touch with police and private security to address safety, who will be present on the wall, but we can’t rely on them alone. Love and peace to Antonio and his family.”