Build Your Own IOT Controller – Day 1

April 20, 2013 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Aquaponics Lab
942 clay street
94607 oakland ca

Ever wanted to be able to control or interact with objects or system over the internet? For example, you might want to check the temperature in your house while you’re at work — and turn on the heat over the internet if it’s too cold. Or you might want to remotely monitor the lighting in your house and draw the shades using your smartphone when the sun beats too strongly.

These are just a few ideas embodied by the “Internet of Things” (IOT) concept — networking objects or systems so that can be remotely monitored or interacted with.

In this workshop, you’ll be building the open-source IOT smart aquaponics platform. The system is designed to monitor and manage an aquaponics garden over the internet, but it can be modified to do whatever you like!

In this 1 st day of class, You’ll be taken, step-by-step, through the process of soldering and assembling a controller from scratch, hacking a router into an embedded linux microcontroller, configuring your system to work with the backend database, and connecting your mobile device to the system so you can monitor and control your IOT controller over the internet.

Fees: $180

$100 – class fee
$80 – materials fee

Students must bring the following:

A laptop with a Linux shell (Windows users will need Cygwin).
An Asus 520GU router.
Optional: A soldering iron. If you do not have one, please email us after registering for the workshop and we’ll make arrangements to provide one for you.